CPAP Clinic Sleep Blog

Understanding your sleep health, sleep apnea and CPAP therapy

Does Sleep Apnea Make it Harder to Lose Weight?

There is a link between weight gain and the development of sleep apnea.

While all sleep apnea patients are not overweight, many do suffer from obesity that contributes to their breathing problems at night, such as loud snoring and interruptions in airflow.

Unfortunately, when sleep apnea patients don’t use CPAP machines and CPAP nasal masks to treat their disease, it may be even harder for them to shed unwanted pounds, even when they work out regularly and try to reduce their intake of bad foods, such as deep-fried items, sugary snacks, and fast-food meals.

If you’re trying to lose weight and it’s just not working for you, there are few reasons why you may not be able to get the results that you need. For example, thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism, make it extremely difficult to shed pounds despite strict dieting. This glandular problem is actually quite common, and it is treatable.

Another key reason why men, women and children have difficulty losing weight is undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea.

Since the breathing problems caused by this serious sleep disorder continue all night long, every single night, they affect glucose and insulin levels which both play a role in a person’s metabolic rate and their body fat levels. By suffering through this disease without treatment, you may be making it almost impossible to get rid of unwanted weight!

Coping Strategies

The best way to improve your chances of getting rid of flab, while also ensuring that you get a proper night’s rest, is to start treatment with CPAP machines and CPAP nasal masks.

CPAP machines arrest the cycle of stop-start breathing that triggers metabolic problems, and these continuous positive airway pressure machines also help you to wake up feeling refreshed, happy, and ready to seize the day.

Most sleep apnea patients find that this type of medical equipment is covered by their health insurance; however, these accessories (along with CPAP replacement parts) are quite affordable even when they aren’t covered under a medical plan.

While it may take a few days to adjust to sleeping with a soft, supple nasal mask on your face (which is attached to your CPAP machine via flexible tubing), within several days, you will be through the adjustment period, and you will begin to notice incredible changes in the way that you feel during the day.

You may also begin to notice that it’s much easier to lose weight, because your metabolism will begin to normalize due to improved breathing. Since we spend hours sleeping each day, the effects of untreated, undiagnosed sleep apnea can really take a toll on the metabolic rate.

Lose Weight by Treating Your Sleep Disorder Today

Make the most of your health and improve the way that you look and feel by investing in effective therapies that minimize or eliminate the symptoms of obstructive, mixed, or central sleep apnea.

The best way to begin is by touching base with a highly-skilled, experienced and caring sleep apnea treatment specialist.


1 thought on “Does Sleep Apnea Make it Harder to Lose Weight?”

  1. NO!! Is doesn’t only cure your sleep problems considering it also helped loosing weight – I knew it I used this since 2012 got my normal and healthy body now.

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