Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit


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Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit-/catalog/accessories/respironics/1144267-01
Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit-/catalog/accessories/respironics/1144267-01

DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit

Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit

SKU: PR-1144267
Currently, this product is out of stock.
Catalog Price: $95.00
Price: $95.00

Product Overview

This 80 Watt External AC Power Supply is for use with all Philips Respironics DreamStation & DreamStation 2 series CPAP & BiPAP machines. The universal power supply is rated from 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz and can be used without a voltage converter in most countries worldwide.


This AC Power Supply is the standard unit supplied with all DreamStation 2 Sleep Therapy Devices.

USAGE: The power cord/cable, which plugs into the wall, is not included with this package; but it is available as an optional add on in your shopping cart or as a separate item elsewhere on this site.


Philips-Respironics Accessories : # 1144267 DreamStation and DreamStation2 (DS2) 80W Power Supply Unit

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CPAP Users Testimonials

New CPAP user

I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and was advised by my doctor to start using a cpap machine. A friend of mine advised me to visit this website, and I was pleasantly surprised about the ease of use of it. There is loads of information on CPAP machines and accessories. I ordered my machine and even got free shipping on it! Thank you!

Nancy Colemann Portland, OR

Service Excellent

Je suis de la regions de montréal et tout les fournisseurs de machine CPAP sont très dispendieux (2000$ et +) pour le meme équipements. J ai eu cette référenca par une amie, j hésitait à acheter une machine sur internet car c était ma première machine et je ne savait pas vraiment comment cela allait fonctionner. Pour 700$ de moins je me suis essayer ! ils ont répondu a toutes mes questions rapidements et je peux vous dire que j en était gêner de poser autant de questions mais les réponses était clairs et precise et ils m ont fait sentir que ca leur fesait plaisir de me répondre ! La machine à été pré-programmer selon ma prescription, envoyer la journée meme que j ai passer la commande, super service et très rapides. Même un fois la machine recu, j avais d autres question et ils se sont fait un plaisir de m y répondres. Mon pneumologue as pris en notes les informations afin de pouvoir referrer les personnes qui n ont pas d assurances ! Félicitation a toute l équipe !

Martin Mirabel

Thank you CPAP Clinic

I received top rate products, service and delivery from this wonderful team. Their website is user-friendly, their products superior to any others I ve used to date and their service and delivery was exemplary. I would recommend them to anyone and will continue to use them when required. They go that extra mile and make you feel that customer service is once more important to the company as well as the client!

Janet Bogstad Napanee